Hi, I’m Anna Hutchinson.  This blog site was started in July 2016 as part of my participation in Jennifer Gonzalez’s Tech Guide Mini-Course, where teachers from all over the world experimented with new technology, shared learning experiences with each other and learned to blog.

My Interests and Experience

I am passionate about technology, teaching and addicted to learning. I am studying Computer Science with the Open University and have recently qualified as an ESW Digital Literacy Practitioner.  My Apple devices are my pride and joy and I have completed Apple training on iOS Deployment in The Enterprise; iOS Support and Troubleshooting and I’m an Apple Certified Support Professional 10.11 (El Capitan).

I teach digital literacy to adult learners throughout the Conwy Library network.  This role has provided me with a great opportunity to stay current with my digital skills – the library is often the first place adult learners go when they need to learn how to use a new device.

What lead me to the Tech Guide Mini-Course

When I  finished the Digital Literacy Practitioner’s course I was looking for something that would enable me to put theory into practise.  I had written assignments on the importance of teaching learners ’21st Century Digital Skills’ and the benefits of blogging and online collaboration, personally I had never blogged or collaborated passed Twitter.    I needed to “try out blogging”, I felt that I couldn’t teach my learners what to do if I hand’t done it.

Jennifer Gonzalez’s summer study course was just what I had been looking for.  Module 1 through to Module 8 is a record of my learning experience through the Tech Guide Mini-Course.  The JumpStart Blogroll contains links to other teacher’s blog sites – all teaching different subjects, learning how to implement technology into their specialist area.

Thank you Jennifer Gonzalez and all of the amazing teachers that joined the JumpStart course in July 2016.  It was an amazing learning experience!
